Eric: Hey! I'm Eric Couch from Dallas, Texas, and I’m the CEO of ProVision Brokerage.
Clint: Alright – and how was the whole trip down from the USA to Mexico?
Eric: It was pretty good! It was uneventful: we flew from Dallas to Mexico – México City! – and from Mexico City to Acapulco, and they picked us up in a suburban and brought us straight here. It was awesome. I mean, the guy’s holding the sign, it’s got my name on it, so… pretty no-brainer.
Clint: How was the accommodations?
Eric: AWESOME! Yeah, we hit the jackpot on the room. But this place is… it's beyond, BEYOND over the top. I mean … it speaks for itself.
Clint: Cool. How about the food? How was the food this week?
Eric: We had a chef! And yeah -- we're in Acapulco, Mexico, so the food's going to be really good, and it's gonna be Spanish. But this … this wasn't like we're eating enchiladas, and, you know raise the flag, ponchos every night. No. We had lobster, we had a sea bass … we ate like KINGS. Breakfast, lunch and dinner: EVERYTHING was sugar-free, everything was made in-house, including the salad dressings, and … you don't have any crap. You don't have any of the preservatives. Like when we had fish, it was fish. When we had veggies, we had veggies. It wasn't out of a can, it was all handmade.
Clint: Cool. How about the quality of the attendees? What did you think of your fellow mastermind attendees?
Eric: They're awesome. How often does a financial guy get to spend an entire week, and be the only financial guy, much less EVERY single other person is a doctor?
Clint: How about the quality of the materials delivered by the seminar leader? What did you think about that?
Eric: I filled up an entire book, I took lots of notes. The material was fantastic! Some of it I’d heard before, some of it I hadn't, but the reality is, you've GOT to hear it in order for it to sink in. It doesn't sink in the first time -- at least not with me, right? I'm hard-headed. But there was a ton of new information. It gives you a different twist. But the information was fantastic, especially telling our stories -- and I can't say mastering it, because that takes a long time -- but definitely getting started, and wherever anybody was in their process, they're now multiple levels further along. So yeah.
Clint: Compared to other mastermind groups you've gone to or participated in, how did this rank up?
Eric: So other mastermind groups, I’ll tell you: as a whole, I don't go to mastermind groups, because I think most of them are full of crap! I don't put a lot of weight in a lot of groups, because I don't see a lot of value, and I’ve seen so many scams.
I KNEW this would be beneficial. I've been to other stuff that Clint has done. I knew specifically this was going to be helpful, because one of the things I’m focused on is learning to better tell my story -- and that's exactly what this was about. So I KNEW I was going to get benefit before I showed up. And that's EXACTLY what I found, and a lot more!
Clint: Fantastic. There have been a lot of travel advisories from the U.S. State Department for Americans traveling abroad into Mexico. Was there ever a time when you felt unsafe?
Eric: Unsafe? No! We did get some concerning news in advance about friends saying you had to have a COVID test before you showed up -- and come to find out THEY did, because they were going to Guatemala or something. But when I checked online, we didn't have to have that. So there is misinformation. The flight that we were flying from, they ended up canceling that flight. That airline did it; had nothing to do with this event! And we had to make some changes, but everything worked out fine.
I'll tell you, there's going to be stuff that tries to get in your way. That's life! Especially when you're about to move to a different level, there's GOING to be things that get in your way!
You NEED to get here.
Clint: What would you say to a person who's on the fence about participating in one of these masterminds?
Eric: You owe it to yourself. Nobody's going to invest in you. if you're not willing to invest in yourself, you know, as Ice-T told us, and Carnegie told me, nobody wakes up with your dream! You've got to chase it. You've got to go for it, and the benefit of something like this -- because I have done counseling, I’ve done marriage counseling, we've taught it, we've mentored others in that … it's so much EASIER in life when you're not trying to do something by yourself, but when you're in an environment like this, when everybody's on the same page, they're all going in the same direction at the same time and cheering each other on, and we're giving high fives … it's so much easier, much less when you get out of your usual environment, and you know, you turn off your phones, and you’re present. I would encourage you to be present!
But if you're on the fence, man, you're never going to get further than where you're at right now if you're not willing to do more than what you're doing right now. So you just need to take the jump. But you got to believe in yourself!
A review of Clint Arthur’s Celebrity Launchpad TV media training — with its world-famous guarantee of being booked on at LEAST 3 appearances on real local ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX or CW news/talk shows, or your money back plus $1,000 — from Dave Nassaney, “The Caregiver’s Caregiver,” Mobil gas station owner and a 4-year student…
Hey everybody, I just wanted to make a quick video about my mentor Clint Arthur. I joined his Celebrity Launchpad about 4 years ago, and I have booked myself on about 35 TV shows doing my Caregiver segment.
And for the last 3 years, he’s been telling me – because I’ve owned a gas station for many many years – he’s been telling me “you gotta do a gas station segment!” And I was like “yeah, you know, uh…”
I don’t know why I did not listen to him, because when I finally did, gas prices were going up to the moon! He came up with a segment, and he says “I’m tellin’ ya, Nassaney – you gotta this segment, it’s going to get you on Good Morning America!” So it perked my attention. He says “Get a moving video of your background at the gas station. If not, then go ahead and film it at the gas station.”
The segment is called “Don’t Be a Chump at the Pump: 5 Mistakes Motorists Make When They Fill ‘er Up.” And he wrote it for me. I did it. I called about 10 producers – one of them booked me. I called another 10 — another one booked me.
I’ve got NINE booked so far, and I am just so excited. I don’t know why I didn’t listen to him. You know — rule number one: ALWAYS listen to Clint!
My bad, you know!
I mean, he wrote my script for me; he did the segment proposal that I sent to producers. This guy is the REAL DEAL. I mean, I don’t know any other mentor–I’ve given a lot of money to a lot of mentors over the years, and NO ONE has ever gone above and beyond the call of duty the way Clint Arthur has.
He didn’t have to do everything he did. He didn’t have to stick with me for 3 years telling me “do this … you could do it even better!” And I should have just listened.
Rule number one: always listen to Clint. It’s a painful lesson to learn, but when you get it, you got it!
I am excited, I’ve got more confidence than I ever had — because I’ve been trying to get on Good Morning America, the Today show — but I believe with all my heart now, THIS is the segment that’s going to get me there. So Clint, thank you.
I’m telling you, if you’ve been on the sidelines thinking about “should I do it? Is he the real deal?” This guy has weekly calls that guide you along; he critiques your videos; he gives he tells you what you need to hear, whether you’re ready to hear it or not! And that’s the kind of mentor that I want. I want somebody to push me out of my comfort zone. Because my success is his success!
So if you’re waiting to figure out if you should do it or not, what the heck are you waiting for? You’re just wasting time! I’m telling you, Clint Arthur is the real deal and you should DO IT … and don’t be a chump at the pump while you’re at it!
“Hey! It’s Marty Kupper here in New York City, and I’m with Clint and Ali. I’m with my partner, Dana Lam, and we’re the creators of the Surprise Date Challenge.
We’ve been here just 2 hours, and I gotta tell ya: this is the BEST EVENT that I’ve ever been to. Absolutely amazing!”
Q: What’s so great about it?
A: “You know what: the information that I’ve gotten in the first 2 hours… it’s incredible! And I’ve been to a ton of speaker events.
If you really want to get trained by the pro, come and see Clint & Ali.”
Maggie Hunts:
I decided to invest in Clint's MBA (Million-Dollar Business Accelerator), and at first I was like "you're going to spend WHAT money on WHO!?" And I was so glad that I have. I'm almost done with the first year, and I'm like looking at the second -- because here's the difference! The difference is when you spend that kind of money, you DO that work.
And that's what I wanted. I wanted somebody who believed in me, had great ideas, and that I could get the work done that I knew to do (but wasn't!) So I finished my book, I put together my coaching packages that I've always known I've wanted to do -- but I DID IT! -- and I've got lots of video, and I'm going to have a sizzle reel, and all kinds of other tools that I need -- because I did the Clint MBA package!
You can do it TOO and have what you really want... but really have it REAL!
Ashley Johnson: Hey, I just saw Paul Nebb speak at Clint’s AT&T event here in Dallas. He did an exceptional job! And I knew him about three years ago… the transition that I’ve seen, just from today’s speech, is PHENOMENAL.
So if you’re looking for a coach or improvement, Clint Arthur is your guy.
Clint Arthur: How has Paul Nebb changed?
Ashley Johnson: He used to be… I shouldn’t say “used to be,” maybe he’s still this way — but he is a guy that was very… shy. And he’s just opened up to everybody, and his demeanor is amazing. You can really see his heart and feel where he’s coming from, where before you couldn’t see that. And so it’s phenomenal.
Dannie De Novo:
Hey, I’m Dannie De Novo, and I read this book, What They Teach You at The Wharton Business School by Clint Arthur. And I made my brother read it because I loved it so much!
What I have learned from Clint in this book particularly… is just the value of relationships. Not just with other people, but with yourself — and to have a good time with those things, and to continue to enjoy your pursuits with others and with yourself.
Hey! I’m Dana — we just finished the morning here at Clint Arthur’s event. This was amazing! I’mma tell you: only a couple of hours, and I’ve learned so much. I cannot wait for the rest of the event!
4x world heavyweight champion “The Real Deal” Evander Holyfield was a featured Celebrity at Clint Arthur’s event:
Hey, I’m Evander Holyfield. I just got finished with Clint’s event at the CNN Center. Great work! Thank you.
Clint Arthur: Dr. Drew, what did you think about your experience at the Clint Arthur event?
Dr. Drew: Well, given that Clint Arthur is behind the camera [giggles] —
Clint: No pressure, no pressure!
Dr. Drew: No pressure on me! But in all seriousness, it was one of the most enjoyable afternoons I’ve had a long time. And to just be able to speak to our peers, and share these issues, and Clint — you knew exactly where to take it, and what they’re looking for. I’m interested in medicine being more present in the media, and you’re taking this a long way towards that. So thank you!
Hey Clint and Ali, it's Thomesa here just saying THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! You guys pulled off almost the impossible. But with you guys, "nothing is impossible!" And kudos to you for pulling it all off. Thanks a lot! Had a great time. I'm tired and I'm heading home. Bye!
Clint Arthur: Alright Dr. Marc Siegel, what do you think? How was your experience at the Clint Arthur event?
Dr. Siegel: Clint Arthur himself is fantastic. And he does what I try to do, which is bring out an inner reality that’s based on who you really are.
And he knows that, and he searches for it, and he brings it to people — and then people resonate, and relate to it, and learn how to be what part of that they want to be in order to succeed.
Clint: Would you recommend to other prominent people to accept my invitations to come and speak at my events?
Dr. Siegel: It’s a gentle, heartwarming, really positive experience that you’ll never forget. Do it!
I could do this all day every day! It was fun!
Clint: You like this? You want to come back and do another Clint Arthur event?
Dr. Elders: Invite me!
Hey, my name is Levi McKinley. I’m here in Atlanta at the CNN headquarters with Clint Arthur. This is my first event with Clint… and this has been the most productive thing I have done for myself, and the BEST investment I have possibly done for myself in my life to this date.
And I am so thankful, Clint, for you and Ali putting the event on and continuing to just produce the hospitality that you guys do. I’m so very thankful. Thank you!
Hi, my name is Dr. Roger Borbon. I attended Clint Arthur’s “Seven-Figure Speaker Secrets” last night. I can tell you: I’ve spoken to over half a million people over the years, I’ve done lots and lots of training, and this is just… it’s just a whole different level of Jedi ninja kind of stuff — that I’m really really excited about, because I know it’s going to help to empower and move more people. Thanks Clint!
Hey! I'm Kyle Wentworth from Waco, Texas, and this is my first event with Clint Arthur. Took 13 pages of notes... really really great content. The biggest takeaways just fill the page.
Had a really great time meeting new people, making some really great contacts with people here... it'll generate all great new business for me. Definitely a great opportunity!
We've just had the most phenomenal event ever! Clint promised us 21 takeaways... well, I got 153 takeaways written down. That's stuff that really impacted me. I'm not just writing every stuff down -- but stuff that impacted me in a massive massive way.
And Clint was saying stuff... but it should have been a takeaway! And he's just like talking talking... but it should have been a number! it should have been a number! So... 153, baby!
Hey! I'm Alexander Velitchko, and I've been attending Clint's events for 2 years. I've been to Harvard, I've been to Nasdaq, I've been to Carnegie Hall, I've done everything except for Celebrity Launchpad... and I'll tell you: this weekend at CNN Center, with Dr. Oz and and Dr. Drew and Evander Holyfield... BEST WEEKEND EVER!
Clint Arthur: Alright. Your son has been working in my world now for what?
Arkadi: 2.5 years.
Clint: And how do you feel about his progress and what we've achieved together?
Arkadi: Un-fucking-believable! I'm telling you: his confidence level and everything else... and you know what sometimes happens? Even if it happens, I say "hey, if you don't want to listen to me, what if I say what Clint would say in that situation? Would you listen?"
Clint: Worth it?
Alexander and Arkadi: Yes!
Clint: Should parents and their kids?
Arkadi: Yes!
Alexander: I would say that having met Clint just literally half a year after starting our business, knowing him and going to all these events... boy, I don't know WHERE I would be without him!
I just want to say that when I first met Clint, I didn't believe anything he said, that he could possibly come through on what he promised. But I did give him a chance, and he has come through above and beyond, and I'm glad that I gave him that chance. And I do it again and again!
Thank you so much, Clint and Ali! Had an amazing time! This was more than I expected.
I've been to various conferences and wellness seminars, and... you get some takeaways, but you you go home with, you know, just going back to your normal life.
This? I feel so inspired. Walked away with a book full of notes, and so many connections and new friends and... I just amazing. Thank you so much!
Manny Ventura:
Hey everyone, how you doin'? It's Manny Ventura, and I just wanna let you know -- I ran every single day on 5k, 100 miles for kids born with cleft and craniofacial difference. And if you just take that, that's okay. But if you take what Clint tells you what to do, how to explain & amplify your message... see, just by going through his programs and learning what Clint has to say, I learned how to book myself on ABC6, and NBC10 (twice!)
Clint: What was that from?
Manny: That was from just reading the book, and then--
Clint: Break Through Your Upper Limits on TV.
Manny: Break Through Your Upper Limits. Learning just what Clint has to say, you know.... sometimes it might be the hard way, it might be the easy way! But you figure out your way. And I figured out my way how to do it.
Clint: What else have you read? Celebrity Entrepreneurship? How was that?
Manny: I read Celebrity Entrepreneurship at least 20 times! Probably more than 20 times. Break Through Your Upper Limits, Speaking Game... what else we got... Your Reality Series (that just came out, so check that one out).
Look, just listen to what he says. It works. It works for for-profit, it works for non-profit. I did it for non-profit. I did it for kids that were born just like me with the cleft and craniofacial difference. And you can use it for whatever you want. I used it to raise money for kids.
Clint: Awesome, man. I'm glad I work for you. I really am. It sounds like a really worthy cause, and I'm proud of you.
Manny: Thank you!
Clint: Alright man, thank you.
Hey, you know what? The Clint Arthur event here... I had my misgivings, I wasn't quite sure, like, Clint sometimes comes a little hard or whatever -- but he is the real deal. He steps forward.
When you can't do something, he does something. HE MAKES IT HAPPEN. This is real. I'm a neophyte, I'm brand new to this kind of thing, but... you have to trust. You have to let go. You have to believe. And Clint steps forward!
See More Reviews on Clint Arthur's YouTube Channel
“Personal Branding Is More Important Than Ever:” Read about Clint Arthur in his feature on
Clint Arthur, “The Most Famous Guy in the World that Nobody’s Ever Heard Of,” on CalBizJournal
Clint Arthur‘s Celebrity Launchpad in Forbes
Clint Arthur Reviews in The Wall Street Journal: “Meet The Guy Who Gets Financial Advisors Appearances at Harvard and West Point”
Clint Arthur has made 120+ interview appearances on network TV News & Talk Shows all across America, including on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, The CW, CNN, FOX Business Network’s Mornings with Maria, and even on The TODAY Show where he was interviewed by Brooke Shields & Willie Geist.
You can also find Clint’s latest news published in print on ABC, CBS, NBC & FOX news network sites.
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